Selecteer hierboven 'BEWERKEN' en zorg ervoor dat 'Automatische Terugloop' is aangeduid ! Hieronder vind U een (engelstalige) beschrijving van de Milleniumtesters op deze CD... U dient deze programma's steeds op te starten vanuit de vermelde directory, meestal is er nog een aparte handleiding voorhanden in programmadirectory aanwezig. Al deze programma's dienen opgestart te worden vanuit Windows zonder gebruik te maken van onze CD-MENU. Indien U niet weet hoe dit moet, raden wij U aan een ervaren gebruiker te vragen u te vergezellen voor U de Millenium Tests uitvoert. Deze programma's zijn niet steeds zonder gevaar, we raden u daarom steeds aan een back-up te maken van uw gegevens voor u deze programma's opstart. 2000 Toolbox Hardware Check Directory : \2000HARD It`s Friday, Dec 31, 1999. Do you know where your PC is going tomorrow? The 2000 Toolbox Hardware Check was produced by McAfee for PC Magazine and we`re passing it on to you! This hardware-only Y2K utility checks time clock hardware and your systems BIOS. Just unzip the file into a temporary directory and run the executable. It`s that easy. AMI2000 Bios Y2k Checker Directory : \AMI2000 This diagnostic program will correctly identify if your BIOS is ready for the Year 2000. will perform several date checks on any major manufacturer`s BIOS and verify your system`s readiness for the next century. This diagnostic will run from DOS and Windows 95, but is recommended for DOS only. Please be aware that on some bios (even some amibios), the RTC year 2000 roll-over test will fail. If this test fails, it does not mean the bios is not Y2K compliant; it just confirms the RTC is flawed and needs a Y2K compliant bios to update the century byte on 1-1-2000. January2000! v1.4 Directory : \JAN2000X FEATURES: [] Easy To Install. [] Fixes The Two (2) Digit DATE Problem in DOS and all versions of Windows! [] Allows your computer to continue to function to the year 2079! [] Fixes any programs that set the operating system`s date after the year 1999. [] Guards your computer so that it will not boot if the date is incorrect and will prompt you for a new year. TEST2000 Diagnostic PATH: \Y2KBUG\DIAGNOSE What Does Test2000.Exe Do? TEST2000 tests the BIOS year 1999-2000 transition by setting the BIOS date to 31-12-1999 23:59:58 and observing the change of century. A non-compliant BIOS will not change the century, so the apparent date becomes 01-01-1900. A compliant BIOS or a corrected BIOS will increment the century to 20. Since Y2KPCPRO will correct this error, the machine will pass this test if Y2KPCPRO is running. TEST2000 tests the reboot cycle by setting the BIOS date to 2000-02-29 before rebooting the machine, then checking that the date has not been changed by the reboot. The original AUTOEXEC.BAT file will be briefly renamed to AUTOEXEC.Y2K during the test, then restored to AUTOEXEC.BAT for the second reboot. The machine`s AUTOEXEC.BAT is never modified; it is only renamed. [Incidentally, any valid after 01-01-2000 will do for this test; the choice of date was arbitrary.] This test will detect those BIOS`s that cannot be corrected and which force a 2000+ date to 1994-01-01 or 1980-01-01 at boot. Wizard Of Time v1.5 Directory : \WIZOTV15 FEATURES: [] Easy To Install. [] Fixes The Two (2) Digit DATE Problem in DOS and all versions of Windows! [] Allows your computer to continue to function to the year 2079! [] Fixes any programs that set the operating system`s date after the year 1999. [] Guards your computer so that it will not boot with a date of: 1900, 1980 or 1984 after 1999! Will prompt you for a new year.